Meteor Customer service

Find information about Meteor Customer service. It's easy to find phone numbers, opening hours and reviews for Meteor customer service and support.

Calling from your Meteor phone:


From any phone:

1890 808 585

From abroad:

+353 1 430 7085


8am to 10pm


8am to 10pm


8am to 10pm


8am to 10pm


8am to 10pm


8am to 10pm


8am to 10pm

Your rating for: Meteor Customer service

Other people's rating: Meteor Customer service

Rating: 1.4 Total: 9 votes

Reviews for: Meteor Customer service (4)


5 of 10

2018-01-28 12:34

Mihaela Florea

Hi before I talk to you tell me please what options I have in my phone


1 of 10

2017-10-30 01:13

Chloe dwyer

Your internet is very slow and my GB are gone Please fix it soon and tell me why my internet is gone


1 of 10

2017-10-09 13:29


I am trying to get in touch with Meteor to check if a No. is still active What number can I ring??


1 of 10

2017-02-06 11:10

Aidan Mcguane

Very bad service

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