Clement Herron Real Estate Customer service

Find information about Clement Herron Real Estate Customer service. It's easy to find phone numbers, opening hours and reviews for Clement Herron Real Estate customer service and support.















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Reviews for: Clement Herron Real Estate Customer service (1)


1 of 10

2015-11-04 16:40


I\'m absolutely disgusted with chre agency. My partner had arranged a viewing of a property with Bridin, chre agent. He had to take time off work to accommodate them because the agency wouldn\'t accommodate to meet him after he\'s finished work. Rung the agent half hour before appointed viewing time to say he was half an hour away to be told by her that she wasn\'t going to hang around! She agreed to the time the previous day. Then she rang him one minute before appointed time, knowing he\'s driving down from location an hour away ,to tell him she didn\'t have the keys so \"let\'s cancell and good luck to you\". And more than that - my partner rang clement Herron the man himself. Couldn\'t get hold of him but was told message will be passed on and he\'ll get back to him. Next day came and no call from CHRE so he rang him again. Was told boss\' too busy, he\'ll call back. ..and my partner is still waiting. Never in my life had I dealt with such lack of professionalism . Or manners. I\'m baffled and would warn anyone what can happen when you deal with Clement Herron agency

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